Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Gracious Gifts

Here are pictures of two baskets that I decorated for the wedding. They'll sit on the table outside the reception ballroom and will hold our "Wedding Times" scroll favors. Ed and I bought parchment paper for the the Wedding Times favors and ribbons in our wedding colors to tie them up. We also found some little gold wedding rings that we'll attach to the ribbons.

The baskets are the same ones that Ed and I received when we joined Living Christ Lutheran Church. On the day that we joined the Church, we were given the baskets (then undecorated) containing bread, religious books and other symbolic welcome gifts. Our faith is a central part of our relationship, so we thought that using the baskets in our wedding would reflect how much joining Living Christ means to us.

I had to use some of the ribbons that I bought for the favors to make the "wraps" for the wedding party flowers. Originally, I planned to buy more ribbons, replacing what I'd used. But, last week, Jean, the wonderful secretary at our church, emailed me to say that a few weeks ago someone working at our Church's yard sale set aside some burgundy and gold ribbons for us (8 spools of them!!!!) thinking that we just might be able to use them in the wedding. The ribbon is lovely, and I can use it to replace the ribbon that I used for the florals. HURRAY! What an amazingly awesome coincidence! I am so thankful for all the support we are receiving from our Church "family."

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