Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Matron of Honor

I can't show you a picture of my dress because it currently exists only in my imagination and the imagination of my wonderful seamstress friend, Mary. However, I CAN show you the dress that my oldest friend and matron of honor, Erica, will be wearing. She's already ordered and received her dress. It is hunter green velvet with sleeves that lace on and off.

Before the pictures of the dress, a bit about Erica or "EO" as I tend to call her...we met in the 3rd grade when her family moved from Chicago to the Upper Peninsula. We've been best friends ever since riding the "highs" and slogging through the "lows" together. I love her dearly! She's married to another of my childhood friends, Stewart (I've known him since kindergarten). Many of you will get a chuckle out of hearing Erica call me "Debbie" at the wedding. Don't get any ideas though...only those who've known me since I was a "kidlet" can get away with calling me "Debbie" *shudder*

Here's a picture of Erica:

And these are pics of her dress [note that these are pictures from the dressmaker and the model is not Erica]:
First an overview of the whole dress:
Next a close up of the sleeves:

Finally, a close up of the bodice with the sleeves removed (if I know EO, she'll lose the sleeves by the time she gets to the reception!!)

Last but not least, there are definite up-sides to having a broken foot...since I can't move around too much, I'm more inclined to work on wedding "stuff!" Since our dresses are renaissance themed, I decided that instead of a traditional bouquet, I'll have her carry a grapevine wreath decorated with ivy and flowers similar to those that I'll carry and use in the altar area arrangements. Today I finished her arrangement. Here it is:


Janet - MOG said...

I love the dress and flowers! So matching to Erica and very suited to Fall wedding.

Janet - MOG said...

And - FYI - my grandson and ring bearer, Duncan told me that he is planning to cover is eyes when the Pastor says, "...and now you may kiss the bride."