Saturday, April 14, 2007

Lodging info** UPDATED

Guest Hotel Information

Holiday Inn-Carol Stream

150 South Gary Avenue
Carol Stream, IL 60188
Phone: 630/665-3000 or 800-800-6509
Fax: 630/665-9389

Contact the hotel directly 630-665-3000 or 800-800-6509 or if you get the main number, ask for In House Reservations at the Holiday Inn-Carol Stream Illinois. You can also book online at using Internet Block Code- KSW. Tell them that you are booking for the Kakuk/Smith wedding and you should be offered a standard room for $84 (has fridge) or you can pick a 2- room suite for $139 (has a microwave, fridge and small kitchen area plus a sitting room) plus tax. These rates are guaranteed until October 15th.

****I just found out that even if you ask for in house reservations, the front desk staff may route you to a distant call center if they are busy. The call center CANNOT book you into the wedding block. Several people have had trouble making reservations. If you are quoted different fees for different nights, told the wedding block is full or any other weird comments, please do NOT get frustrated. Instead, ask to make sure that you are talking to the local in house reservation desk. If not, hang up and directly contact the general services manager. He will personally take care of any errors in your reservation. His name is Benjie Gallardo and his email address is His direct phone extension is 630-681-7331. Mr. Gallardo assured me that he can "over-ride" any mixed up reservations made by the distant call center. He can do it prior to the wedding or if you arrive and discover any errors on your bills, he can correct them at that time as well. If he doesn't return your call or email right away, he might be out of the office (be patient) but he WILL get back to you and he will correct any errors in a timely manner. Contact me if you have any problems and I'll see what I can do to help out. Thus far, I've managed to correct everyone's reservations that notified me of a problem. Remember that you must make your reservations prior to October 15th in order to receive the wedding rates.

There are directions to the hotel on the Hotel Web site:

An alternative hotel is located about a block from the Holiday Inn where we'll be having our reception. Here are the details:

Hampton Inn Chicago -- Carol Stream
205 West North Avenue
Carol Stream, Illinois, United States, 60188

1 comment:

TiG said...

The Holiday Inn people are really nice! Good choice.